Dawn recently had the pleasure of getting to know LIFT Auburn member Bill Dittmar. I learned that he is has recently back to working out after a long hiatus due to health issues and a demanding work schedule. This guy is old school body builder and shared with me that he is friends with many of the greats, including Larry Opiela, the original he-man! Here is what Bill had to say about LIFT:
- How long have you been a member at LIFT? 2 months
- What were some of your goals when you started? Double my strength on a handful of basic compound movements and lose 4 inches from my waist in one year, without getting hurt.
- What goals or accomplishments have you recently met? I’m 15 percent stronger so far in 2 months.
- What has been your greatest achievement at LIFT? Just walking in the door for the first time.
- What or who motivates you? Reading everything by Arthur Jones and John Bogle.
- What are your future goals? At 63 years old, just keep getting stronger.
- What is your favorite workout or class at LIFT? Favorite is too pleasant of a word. I work out alone on hammer strength and some free weights. The last 2 reps are ugly and private, not a very social moment.
- What advice can you give someone who is just starting their fitness journey at LIFT? Consider using a personal trainer or competent training partner; to keep you focused, your form tight, and to motivate you. Also, remember that medical health is not the same thing as athletic fitness.