
“My passion for exercise began on June 23, 2014 when I approached Jess Newert and told her I had arrived for her yoga class. Jess smiled at me and said “this is boot camp and you are welcome to stay.” As the old saying goes, the rest is history.

When I reached my 50 year old mark I had my first bone density scan and I was diagnosed with osteopenia. I exercised occasionally and most generally ate healthy so I didn’t take it seriously. Ultimately my bone density decreased and for the past 8 years I have had osteoporosis. I failed at several gyms and exercises classes because they failed me.

All this changed with Jess the Owner and Trainer at LIFT. For the first time I had a trainer who taught me how to use my body to support weight without injury, exercise with correct form and push myself beyond what I thought my limits were. Jess guided me with a healthy eating plan and I attend 3 boot camp classes a week. After working out under Jess’s guidance for 2 years, I increased my bone density by 13.4 percent! I went from osteoporosis to osteopenia, a significant health improvement!

I owe all my success to the owners at LIFT, Dennis Kelly and Jess Newert. They not only built a brand new state of the art gym, they are dedicated to helping those who want to help themselves. The gym features all the equipment you can possibly need, and for your convenience, fresh protein shakes made to order. The entire gym, including shake bar, locker rooms and showers are kept immaculate and sanitized. All LIFT staff is professional and they are certified trainers. Dennis and Jess are masters at their craft and require the same from their professional staff. All LIFT staff is certified so you feel confident during classes. During group classes, which I take, I receive personal direction along with everyone else. I think of LIFT as an adult play ground, I enjoy it that much! Working out has become a habit and a new hobby. I am stronger and happier, and love the supportive staff and members at LIFT!! Thank you Dennis and Jess, you are dedicated to helping us become healthy!” ~Darlene Lattimore